CH.7 정보 및 자료 제공하기

정보를 제공할 때는 다음과 같은 표현을 사용합니다.

Please note that ~
You should note that ~
It should be noted that ~

중립적 사실
I'd like to inform you of ~
I would like to notify you of ~
I am writing to inform you that ~

기쁜 소식
I am pleased to inform you ~
I am proud to announce that ~

나쁜 소식
I am regret to inform ~
I am sorry to announce that ~


격식 있는 표현
Please refer to ~
I have herewith attached ~
I have herewith attached ~
The attached file contains ~

편하게 표현할 수 있는 표현
The file is attached
Please see the file attached.
I am sending you herewith ~
Please find the enclosed document ~

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